Friday, December 28, 2007


This is the harbor in Portree, the capital of the Isle of Skye. Skye is completely surrounded in water, with the Skye bridge linking the island to the mainland. Portree is a tiny town, neverless the largest one on the island. Good restaurants and a few hotels line the harbor, participating in all sorts of crazy weather. Seafood like crab and muscles are a dominant part of the menus and the lifestyles of the people. While we were in Skye, we saw so many different weather conditions. This day it was beautiful, sunny and lovely. The next day we were in Portree, the rain was really heavy and the wind was blowing the rain sideways. We spend most of that day in our bed and breakfast, chilling out because the weather was so bad, we could barely be outside without getting completely soaked. But this particular day, the harbor was glorious and the island was alive and we ate up the energy.

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