Tuesday, September 11, 2007

We're in Scotland!

Here we are, sitting on the walls of a castle that dates back to the 11th century, and looking out over the city of Edinburgh and the ocean beyond. So fantastic! The castle is at the top of the "Royal Mile", a mile of amazing sites and restaurants in the middle of Scotland's capital. There was even a wedding going on in Margaret's Chapel, a tiny chapel in the castle that is the oldest building in the castle, dated 1066 or something. The bride and groom were in traditional scottish attire.


Pamela Newton said...

It is such fun to see the progression of your trip. I'm just a little confused about what day you have been in each place. I guess that I will figure that out in time! Have a blast. I love you both, Pam

JamMasterJenn said...

cool pictures, I am glad you are having fun.
Ps. The store isn't in complete turmoil... yet. =)